Mercer Road

It's a state of mind, not a place.


Gallery Accessories for Humans Contact

Cat bed with cat
Uh-oh. You found us. What is it you are looking for? is a creation of it's owner, Cynde Mercer. Currently it displays hand crocheted items made during the pandemic.

Cynde is owned by a cat named Scooter McPooter (@ScooterMcPooter) who is the inspiration for all of the cat accessories. Scooter is our senior vice president for quality and lead model for the Cat Stuff line. Scooter also lives with his best friend and support cat, Cecil B. DeMewlle, and their cousin, Freddy.

Oil Pan Cat Beds

Cat beds
The oil drain pan beds consist of a black plastic oil drain pan with a cover made of synthetic yarn. Our cats love circling down in these comfy container beds.

Yarn Cat Beds

Yarn cat beds
Yarn cat beds are made from a soft chenille yarn, extra chunky. These unstructured beds make a soft and cuddly landing spot.

Cat Mats and Rugs

Cat mats
Cat mats are made from a soft chenille yarn, extra chunky. Large rugs are made from strips of fuzzy fleece fabric.